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Wandering to Wonder: A Guide to Navigating the Labyrinth of Practitioner Inquiry

Writer's picture: allisonjolesterallisonjolester

Hello, fellow educators, and welcome to another riveting episode of "What the Heck Did I Get Myself Into: The Chronicles of a Teaching Adventure."

Buckle up, because today, we’re diving headfirst into the enchanting yet maddening maze of the practitioner inquiry project. Yes, you read it right - enchanting and maddening - the perfect cocktail of adrenaline rush, intellectual curiosity, and the occasional ‘I-have-no-idea-what-I'm-doing’ panic attacks. Let's go!

As the warmth of summer fades...just kidding, it's freaking hot as I'll get out! Okay, okay, let's suspend reality for a moment and pretend the cool, crisp Autumn air is among us. For those of us from the Midwest, we know it's time for some of our favorite traditions. The beginning of the fall semester brings with it a hunger for not just knowledge, but also for succulent caramel apples, charming pumpkin patches, and, of course, the exhilarating twists and turns of corn mazes.

Ah, the corn maze - an intricate labyrinth carved into fields of towering stalks, where one wrong turn can lead to thrilling moments of confusion, hair-raising encounters with eerily cheerful scarecrows, and the odd faux pas of stepping into a hidden mud puddle. A place where around every corner, you may find a corn cob carved like Elvis, or a tractor tire turned into a flower bed. Unexpected? Absolutely. But isn’t that the fun of it all?

Sounds a bit like the beginning of a practitioner inquiry project, doesn’t it?

A mix of excitement, bewilderment, and a gnawing question: "What in the world did I get myself into?" But fear not! The corn maze, like the classroom, isn’t designed to trap you, but to challenge you, surprise you, and ultimately, to help you grow. So, let's take that first step together, shall we?

Step 1: Lost and Found

Feeling lost is normal when you start a practitioner inquiry project. It’s the equivalent of that "lost in the supermarket" feeling we all had as kids. You're standing in an aisle full of potential research questions, methodologies, and data to collect, and yet, where the heck is the cereal aisle?!

BUT! That's just it! Being lost is part of the journey. It's when you're aimlessly wandering the labyrinthine halls of your classroom, that the most profound questions and insights reveal themselves.

As an educator, I often think of a leader guiding people through uncharted territory. It's like leading a group through a vast wilderness toward a destination. At times, you're surrounded by a seemingly endless expanse of possible research questions, methodologies, and data to collect. It's like looking out over a vast landscape and wondering, "Wait, where's the GPS?"

But here's the oasis amidst the desert. This sense of being lost is a part of the adventure. When you're wandering in this desert of confusion, that's when the most intriguing questions and insights come to light. Remember, a leader didn't have a map, but they had faith. Their wandering led people to their destiny. Embrace the confusion. Trust your teacher instincts, your inner compass, and you'll uncover your own land of understanding.

Step 2: Learning to Question, Yearning to Learn

Ah, the art of questioning. They say curiosity killed the cat, but it also fuels the teacher. The quality of your inquiry heavily depends on the questions you ask. How do you know you're asking the right question? Well, that's the thing, you don't. But here are some prompts to help guide your question-framing:

  1. What surprises me in my classroom?

  2. How can I empower my students more effectively?

  3. What can I learn from my students that can transform my teaching?

  4. Are there patterns in my classroom I'm not seeing?

Remember, these are merely to stir your thinking pot. Add your own spice. Make it personal, make it authentic, make it you.

Step 3: To Wonder is to Wander

Once you've established your questions, it's time to let them marinate. Don’t rush for the answers. Practitioner inquiry isn't a speedy grocery run; it's more like slow-cooking a brisket for Shabbat dinner. It requires patience, curiosity, and a willingness to explore the unexpected. It's about learning to wander around with your questions, allowing them to guide your observations and reflections. You may find that one question leads to another, and another. And that's okay. In fact, that's wonderful!

Step 4: Stay Present, Stay Attuned

When we set our minds on an end goal, it's easy to lose sight of the journey. We might want to speed past the ‘confusion’ phase and get right into the ‘data collection’ phase. Resist the urge to sprint. Like an overeager gardener, don't pluck the fruit before it's ripe. Allow your questions to simmer in the classroom, to evolve with each teaching day. It’s those daily interactions, the ups and downs, and the ebbs and flows, that often hold the key to unlocking our understanding.

Remember we don't simply teach subjects; we teach individuals, each with their unique tapestry of experiences, backgrounds, and learning styles. Allow your inquiry to reflect this dynamic landscape.

Step 5: It Will All Work Out, But That's Not The Point

Finally, let's address the elephant in the room. The lurking, menacing, fear-inducing question: "What if it doesn't work out?" Well, the truth is, it might not, and that's perfectly fine!

Remember, the goal isn't to come up with a research paper that'll knock the socks off academia. It's about becoming a better teacher, learning about yourself, your students, and your classroom. It's about the process more than the outcome. After all, practitioner inquiry is not about finding 'the' answer; it's about embracing 'a' process of discovery and learning.

So there you have it, fellow educators. Starting a practitioner inquiry project might feel like stepping into a labyrinth at first, but remember: every question you have, every step you take, every wrong turn you make, they're all part of this magical journey we call teaching.

Also, know dear readers, when you're lost out there and you're all alone in the world of practitioner inquiry, a light is waiting to carry you home. Every where you look, there's a hand to hold onto.

We're all in this together! Everyone's getting out of the corn maze unscathed, I promise. Okay, maybe a little scathed, but out nonetheless! Now, on your marks, get set, wonder!

Anyone else have a craving for buttered corn on the cob and an episode of Full House? Just me? Well, that's what I'm off to do. Until next time, teacher researchers!

**Queue the theme song to Full House**

© 2024 By Allison JoAnn Lester

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